
stellar contractor or god ?

Are you a god ? Or just a contractor ? What is this place ?

Aggregate what is left of stars after their birth to create perfectly balanced systems.

How to play

  • Click on dust to aggregate:
    • +2 neighbouring dust aggregate into ice
    • +3 neighbouring dust aggregate into rock
    • +4 neighbouring dust aggregate into planet
  • Create exactly what is needed for the system
  • Repeat until high score !


  • F4 to toggle shader if your find the game too blurry

Known issues

  • You can click on a tile containing nothing, it will check adjacent tiles and work as if it was actually dust :)
  • Some people on Windows reported the game freezing at sartup and then not launching. I have no idea what's happening for those, it doesn't seem to be linked to the version of Windows they're using. (Game has been built on Windows 10)
  • Windows AV doesn't like the binary, because it's not widespread, duh. You can still install Odin and run it from source using odin run . while being at the source root folder. Source code is less than 700 lines of code, it should be pretty easy to check that it does nothing nefarious :)


Voting results


This game entered in the Solo competition (32 entries).

Comments (10)

 • 14 days ago • 

Took me a second to figure out what I needed to do, might've been a good idea to put the conversion rates in a top or bottom bar so they're always available to the player or maybe add a tooltip that'll tell the player what they'll create with their click and if it'll cause them to fail the mission.
Like the art-style, reminds me of old dosbox games.
I'm dissapointed the sun doesn't crash into the board to ruin my run.

 • 13 days ago • 

Its a good and simple game, I like the artstyle quite a lot. Took me a second to understand how the game worked, some highlights as to what itll make will be a good addition. Maybe explore chaining the things you can create? Such as combining 2 rocks to make something else etc. for more complexity.

Overall a solid first game, congratulations :)

  • 7 days ago • 


Took me a second to figure out what I needed to do, might've been a good idea to put the conversion rates in a top or bottom bar so they're always available to the player or maybe add a tooltip that'll tell the player what they'll create with their click and if it'll cause them to fail the mission.

Yep, I added it last minute on the menu screen, replacing some text, but it's definitly missing, at least for the first few levels, while the player is getting used to the conversion rates / the patterns to create specific celestial bodies.

Like the art-style, reminds me of old dosbox games.

Misson accomplished !

I'm dissapointed the sun doesn't crash into the board to ruin my run.

Some of my play testers were actually SUPER STRESSED by the presence of the sun, they thought it would collide and the game was about very quick decision making :D 100% just cosmetic

  • 7 days ago • 


Its a good and simple game, I like the artstyle quite a lot. Took me a second to understand how the game worked, some highlights as to what itll make will be a good addition. Maybe explore chaining the things you can create? Such as combining 2 rocks to make something else etc. for more complexity.

The game simplicity was a result of me not wanting to put more hours into the game. I didn't know if it was going to work or not, but it revealed that the pattern matching was pretty cool. Combining rocks would be a nice improvment (was actually "planned", until I noticed that with the current rules, it's actually impossible for 2 ice/rocks/planets to end up near each other xD), but the game definitly needs a way for the player to move things on the board first.

Overall a solid first game, congratulations :)

It's not my first game, nor is it my first Alakajam ;P But thanks !

 • 7 days ago • 

Cute puzzle game. I think it could work as a score attack game with some timer mechanic added: trying to find simple patterns on its own is not super challenging, but reaching for a high score with the clock ticking can be.

Some minor gripes: I also didn't immediately get what the game is about from the title screen (or even the description, until I read "create exactly what is needed" and until I noticed that there are, in fact, counters in the bottom left of the screen. Maybe these should be more prominent? Once I got the gameplay down, it was fine and I tried for a couple of attempts to reach a high score. One thing that bugged me a lot is the sun that appears in the background when starting a run: it makes things hard to see, especially with the very transparent tiles.

Then, after more tries, I realised the big flaw: the system isn't guaranteed to be solvable. On my first couple of failed attempts in later levels I though I simply took a wrong turn by accruing an ice tile before making sure I have enough tiles for the planets or something, but nope:

This one is just not solvable. I stopped then :) You can guarantee solvability by generating the system backwards, i.e. starting from the solution, then reversing the action, i.e. a planet tile turns into 5 tiles, etc, then you can sprinkle in additional dust to distract the player. With this approach it would probably be best to also introduce other patterns, to make sure the solution isn't too obvious from the initial position either.

 • 7 days ago • 

Nice art, very spacey. Cool theme/idea for the puzzle. I played until the level 6 when I realised that I had made a mistake and pressed 'R'. It took me back to level 1… Didn't really want to play all the levels again. Considering Aurel300's comment regard the solvability, it would be nice to have premade levels with gotchas and other such tricks.
Cool to see someone use Odin! Always like programming language hipsters B)

 • 7 days ago • 

Nice game! Simple and intuitive puzzle concept. Post processing effect looks kind of bad, I don't think it should be on by default, but ultimately harmless. Like Aurel says, some levels are just impossible which is a shame, definitely something to fix for a post jam. But overall a somewhat addicting entry, well done.

 • 2 days ago • 

Took me a bit to get a hang of what the game was about, but once I did it was a nice puzzle game. The audio got a bit repetitive, and I thought at first the sun was going to factor in. I liked the post processing!

 • 1 day ago • 

For a game jam it is a bit complicated. It might just be me as I am not very good at these type of games.

 • 1 day ago • 

Really nice effort, I think this is definitely one of the well-polished entries to this jam. Liked the core mechanics & presentation; my only gripe is not being able to restart the level you are currently on and the restart instead restarting the entire game.

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