Time for an Eternity

Made for Alakajam 20th gamejam theme: loop

As you explore fragmented memories and confront inner demons, you must unravel the mystery of their past and the meaning of their suffering. The choices made determine whether they find peace or remain trapped in torment.

You walk with WASD

You interact with E and left mouse button

TW: Violence, Suicide, Death

Comments (5)

 • 27 days ago • edited • 

Interesting entry. I'm not sure I like having to re-use every items if I choose the wrong thing. It's always painful to redo things when in a loop, but I guess that's (sort of) the point of the game.
The music felt weird, in that I don't know if it felt hopeful, sad or melancolic. Also I'm not sure why was there lights ? Was the game meant to be dark, and you light up the place, and I had a graphics issue where that didn't work ? English is not my mother tongue, but I think there were a few typos or gramar mistakes in there.

Good entry overall.

 • 27 days ago • 

Well… ok. I think moody/atmospheric games with a "sad" story can be pretty hit and miss for gamejams. I get what you were going for, and the purgatory of memories and reliving the past makes sense as an interpretation of the theme. At the same time, I echo @mixer's comment: it is painful to restart from the first room. Nothing new happens in this loop, maybe at best the player will be prompted to carefully re-read the clues given in the last room they reached, but they already know the "correct" answer for the first rooms, so this is just wasting the player's time.

The other major issue I have with the story (shared by many mody gamejam entries, again) is that it's just so … vague. I don't really care about the "protagonist", nor do you present enough of the life they shared with "her" to make me care. All we get is scraps that alternate between extreme bitterness and a few moments of "clarity" where the protagonist sees their wrongs. The former ones made me honestly believe the answer to "whose fault is it" was clearly "mine", as the protagonist comes across as extremely entitled and hateful for no reason. But somehow that's not the answer you were looking for :)

Combining the above with the fact that the text itself was riddled with mistakes, and that one of the questions "where was your office" was literally not even a reading comprehension test, but more like a trivia question, made me completely disengaged from the story and mood of the game.

(Nit picks: the music doesn't loop, it seems like it is physically placed in one of the rooms which you can tell when moving to another one; going fullscreen makes it possible to see the next room over from the first one; the colours on Linux seemed off: I assume the rooms were meant to look dark, since I was lighting torches(?), but instead everything except my vision cone and circles around the torches looked fully lit; after failing a question, then trying on purpose to fail the first question, I got into a situation where I was stuck in the first room, without being able to interact with the skull that appeared.)

Thanks for the game, and sorry for the harsh criticism! :)

 • 27 days ago • 

What a sad story :( I'm not sure what the story really was, but I'm sure it was sad. The writing was repeating itself a lot on the first level, but got more distinctive afterwards.

Using the mechanics of a twin-stick shooter to tell this story is a bit odd. Why do I need a vision cone, why do I need to be able to turn on lights?

I'm not sure if the choices I made at the end of every level made any difference. Would there have been a happy ending? [Edit: reading the above comments, apparently I gave the right answer each time, yay!]

The interpretation of the theme as "thoughts going round and round" is an interesting one!

 • 25 days ago • 

At first I thought the game was bugged since I couldnt interact with things. Turns out you need to interact with the object using the keyboard, and then click on a specific pattern on the thing that open, with no way to close it or replay it, was pretty confusing ! :O

I think the light is there to make it feel more moody ? That's a nice idea but the execution is lacking for now, but it's clearly possible ! :)

Lighting the brasiers was way more fun than I thought it would be :)

And the theme interpretation… Damn, that's pretty awesome with this story, I like the idea of purgatory as being stuck in a loop, and that its only possible to escape if you learn emotional lessons based on the hints you get throughout, although it would be more satisfying overall if one could exit the loop idk the ending hits hard bruh (the game closing itself was the cherry on top).

 • 15 days ago • 

Mostly it was pretty good and I managed to beat it without failing any of the questions I think. But like others said it had lots of problems. I feel like every aspect of the game was somehow glitchy. I don't mind it so much but music stopped playing after a short while and the language is so full of mistakes.
As a concept I really like that you tried to make it and the story was written well enough that I felt sad for the main character. Good job!

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