RPRPG, or the Roll Play Role Playing Game system, is a single-page tabletop roleplaying system that uses bowling to resolve actions.

RPRPG, or the Roll Play Role Playing Game system, is a single-page tabletop roleplaying system that uses bowling to resolve actions.

If you do not wish to go to your local bowling alley, you can play at home using a video game like Wii Sports or by purchasing a toy bowling set.

RPRPG is inspired by the GOLF system, Numenera, a pun by aeta, and that Pete Weber video.

Comments (5)

 • 2 years ago • 

Cool entry and theme use! I hope I can persuade a couple of friends to try it sometime :)

 • 2 years ago • 

That's a hilarious take on the theme and on RPGs in general. I never bowled and I probably never will, but if anybody tries this entry out I'd like to read about it! It's definitely more exciting than roling some boring dice.

 • 2 years ago • 

I played this when I should have been asleep! I don't really know The Bowling but I still had a fun time. Nice original idea, reminds me a lot of being a kid and having battles in games be part of a wider story I'd be narrating in my head.

Log of my playthrough here

 • 2 years ago • 

Hilarious playthrough =)

  • 2 years ago • 

Thank you! I loved this playthrough!

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