
En busca de gente con la que participar 5

DeividDev • 6 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! 

Escribo este post porque me gustaria si es posible que alguien al que le interese participar en conjunto ya que para ser mi primer Alakajam no se si sere capaz yo solo de conseguir terminar algo jugable, ya que de ando muy justo de programacion.
Estoy algo mas puesto en graficos sobre todo 3d.
Un saludo espero que alguien se anime a participar en conjunto me abro a cualquier posibilidad el caso es que sea algo mas ameno.

I might be in 0

Gamible • 6 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! 

If I got nothing going on when it starts then count me in :)
I'll be using Gamemaker: Studio and drinking lots of coffee.

I'm in 0

TexasFed • 6 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! 

Whats up my fellow game makers…. Today ive decided to enter this game jam. I use GameMaker Studio to makemy games

I'm In As Well 0

Featherbox • 6 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! 

I will be using Löve2D and Gimp.

I'm in! 0

AKScreens • 6 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! 

Hello! My name is Dylan and I am currently a sophmore in college. I've been doing game development since I started high school and now run a game development club at my university. I am comfortable with working in Unity Game Engine with programming, most of the Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator) for 2D visual work alongside Aseprite, Magica Voxel for basic 3D models, SunVox for sound work, and some other miscellaneous tools for smaller focused functions. My expectations for this jam are more personally directed, as I want to leave the weekend with a product that is complete. This jam will be my first 48 hour jam, so I'm super excited to put my skills to the test!

1ª Alakajam 0

DeividDev • 6 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! 

Buenas a todos.
Es mi primer ludum y tengo muchas ganas de probar y ponerme a pruebo, lo desarrollare yo solo.

Mi idea es utilizar -Unity o Game Maker -Photoshop -y 3dMax
Un saludo espero que todos podamos terminar a pronto y salgan cosas increibles.

I'm in! 0

simonhutchinson • 6 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! 

Looking forward to it.

I'm a johnny-come-lately in the Ludum Dare world, but I'll soon be an Alakajam veteran!

Looking forward to playing everyone's games.

I am in! 0

WilliamDann • 6 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! 

I'm WilliamDann and in doing my first game jam!

We're in! 1

MaWeken • 6 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! 

Our first jam, will be fun to see what we end up with. Looking forward to it.

MaBucket - 3D Artist
Weken - Programmer

Alakaj-in! 4

Aurel300 • 6 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! 

What a pun.

So …

Yeah, I will participate:

  • Haxe
  • plustd
  • TextMate
  • Photoshop

Yeah, my toolset is always the same. Good luck to everyone :)