
xampi #365

Joined 7 years ago

DeividDev didn't submit games... for now!
by DeividDev

Team amateur 0

DeividDev • 7 years ago 

A good day is coming and if I do not find someone to collaborate with, I do not think I would like to participate, since only 48 hours later, with my knowledge, I find it very difficult to finish something playable.
I leave here the link to the team that I opened
Here I leave my instagram profile so you can see something that I have worked

Team 2

DeividDev • 7 years ago 

Good day is coming and if I do not find someone to collaborate with, I do not think that I would like to participate since only 48 hours later, with my knowledge, I find it very difficult to finish something playable.
I leave here the link to the team that I have opened

I'm in 0

DeividDev • 7 years ago 

Good morning everyone.
It's my first ludum and I really want to try and test myself, I'll develop it myself.

My idea is to use -Unity or Game Maker -Photoshop -and 3dMax
Greetings I hope we can all finish soon and come incredible things.

En busca de gente con la que participar 5

DeividDev • 7 years ago 

Escribo este post porque me gustaria si es posible que alguien al que le interese participar en conjunto ya que para ser mi primer Alakajam no se si sere capaz yo solo de conseguir terminar algo jugable, ya que de ando muy justo de programacion.
Estoy algo mas puesto en graficos sobre todo 3d.
Un saludo espero que alguien se anime a participar en conjunto me abro a cualquier posibilidad el caso es que sea algo mas ameno.

1ª Alakajam 0

DeividDev • 7 years ago 

Buenas a todos.
Es mi primer ludum y tengo muchas ganas de probar y ponerme a pruebo, lo desarrollare yo solo.

Mi idea es utilizar -Unity o Game Maker -Photoshop -y 3dMax
Un saludo espero que todos podamos terminar a pronto y salgan cosas increibles.

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