Video Recording 0

Wan • 7 years ago 


Recording setup

How each part is recorded:

  • Host desktop: Sound & video is OBS (XXX It also probably records the remote voice)
  • Host voice: Audacity
  • Remote voice: Remote's Audacity

How the host hears:

  • Host desktop: N.A., it's his own desktop
  • Remote voice: Skype

How the remote hears:

  • Host desktop: TigerVNC
  • Host voice: Skype

When first launching the recording:

  1. Windows: Make sure the Microphone recording device is enabled
  2. OBS: Mute the microphone channel, only record the desktop. Check the target video resolution & destination.
  3. Skype: Use the Microphone as the recording channel. Start the convo & share the screen.
  4. TigerVNC: Share the screen with the partner, who should be able to hear the desktop (…and maybe his own voice)

On each game:

  1. Launch the game, lower its volume to keep the voices clear.
  2. OBS: Edit the scene to add the game window,
  3. Audacity: Start recording the Microphone on both PCs
  4. OBS: Start recording


  • Convert the video to a smaller file with Handbrake (MPEG-4 codec)
  • Gather the audio parts and master them with Audacity if needed
  • Edit the video, layer the voices on top of the vid, cut as needed, add in the jingles
  • After rendering at high quality, run the video through Handbrake again to get a smaller file to upload

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