Stupid power surge! We won't finish in time... 2

GeekmasterK • 6 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! 

So, as of this morning, the game was taking shape. I forgot to save the project, a power outage happened, and I lost all progress made since 6am. It was bad enough, that there was no way we could finish in time for ranked. It would have been ready in time, had this not happened. We're going to try for unranked, but, well, there are no words. I'm never forgetting to save again after this…T_T

Comments (2)

Antti Haavikko
(@anttihaavikko) • 6 years ago • 

Aww, that sucks! But at least it does work as a valuable lesson in the importance of saving, backups and source control. Can't even remember how many broken HDs it took with so much vanished data before I started properly doing backups.

 • 6 years ago • 

I feel your pain, same thing almost happened to me having no backups half way through the jam. Hang in there, I'll check your game out when you finish!

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