I managed to set aside plenty of time for AKJ. I even was mostly focused on making my game for almost all of Saturday. At the end of Saturday, I had a character who would fall in a tunnel. I didn't have the tunnel yet, well not really, but I did have mushrooms he could bounce off of and I was struggling to make it so that when you move the mouse he would point his arm in that direction. I didn't have shooting but I did have mushrooms he could bounce off of.
I also had soundtracks for both the main menu and the game play! I was also working on "boing" sounds for bouncing off mushrooms.
Also, I implemented the cypher from xkcd. Don't worry, changing it back to normal is just a button click away.
Unfortunately, at the end of Saturday night, my mind was thinking, this is the same game as AKJ4 or LD48. I lost almost all motivation to continue. I drew dinosaurs and helicopters and other evil things to make sure you ended up dead, and hadn't even imported them in to the game yet. Meanwhile all the people on discord were complaining about not being able to get their orbital mechanics simulators working here, and I was complaining about not getting my falling simulator working.
In any case, that is my sad tale. I just found out I can't seem to host images here, so I will update this post with screenshots when I find a nice place to put them. Edit: Posted images to mastodon. I don't know if they'll break after some time. Bonus image: