The 18th Alakajam has Begun! 0

AaronBacon • 8 months ago on 18th Alakajam! 

The Theme is LABYRINTH

Get ready for Twisting Corridors, Mysterious Dead-ends, and Mind-bending Puzzles, because the theme for the jam is Labyrinth!

Make a Maze! Solve a Puzzle! make a Maze that solves a Puzzle! Whether you want to pull from myth and legend with Minotaurs and deadly traps, or experiment with algorithms that can navigate twists and turns like nobody's business, Take the theme and make any game involving or about a Labyrinth!

You have 48 Hours starting now for the Ranked Jam, or 72 Hours for the more relaxed, Unranked Jam. Also, remember the website has leaderboards built into every submission if you want to enable it, so feel free to make a scoring system so people can compete for the Highest Scores or Fastest Times! (As a bonus, your game might also be picked as a tournament game =P)

Good Luck, and don't get lost in there!

- Bacon Out

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