After some short delays (we love you Kajam!), we now begin the second edition of Feedback Fortnight! We know that you have been working on something, perfecting it, but it just needs, it just needs someone else to play it! And tell you if it is fun or not! And tell you if you succeeded in doing the awesome things that you have been prepping for!
All you need to do is take your project - any project - and submit it. It can be your Sekrit Prodject Made In Your Basement with glowing lights, it can be something from a previous game jam, or it can be a future commercial game - and submit it to our ruthless, but very kind, game players. Then, you also become a game player, and play everyone else's game. Leave constructive and kind feedback, there are no ratings or scores of any kind.
If you do submit a commercial game, we require that you make it freely available to the other game players during the time of Feedback Fortnight. After all, if I am playing a game for you for the purpose of constructive criticism, would you really ask people money for that?
Games can be submitted in any state of development - anything from "buggy mess I can't play this to" to "almost done" or even "I just have screenshots and some ideas!" We can't guarantee everyone will look at everything, but the easier you make it for us, the more likely we will!
With all that introduction, let the Feedback begin!
Everyone, please do google "glorious trainwrecks" for some awesome gamedev results.