Check out the Submissions

The Kajam is over

Kajam End and gaming session 0

Laguna • 3 years ago 

Hi there Jammers!

The Deadline for the Kajam is approaching fast. Please submit your games until 2021-06-04 21:00 Berlin time.
Please add some instructions on how to set up your game for multiplayer session (e.g. which ports to forward (udp/tcp) of if specific config files need to be adjusted).

On 2021-06-05 we will have a dedicated gaming session where you are invited to join us in the Alakajam discord "general" voice channel to play all the submissions together. Of course you can also join if you did not participate in the Kajam. We will start at 18:00 Berlin time. Check this website for your local timezone.

So everyone: let's add the finishing touches to our games and then have a great time together. Looking forward to talk to all of you in person.

The Multiplayer Kajam is live! 0

Laguna • 3 years ago 

The Kajam is live! Let's work on some awesome multiplayer games!

The Kajam will run until 2021-06-04. On 2021-06-05 we will have a common gaming session in the Alakajam Discord. You can of course also join for the gaming session if you did not participate in this Kajam.

Tell your story

Are you working solo or in a team? Do you plan to work only on specific weekends or throughout the complete time of the jam? What are the tools you are using? It would also be awesome to hear about the issues you encounter during the Kajam and especially how you solve them? Are you using lockstep or some kind of interpolation?
And most importantly: What game are you making? Did you pick a round based gameplay? Some strategy or some fase paced action gameplay?

New to the jam?

Check out the original jam announcement here

Multiplayer Kajam in May 2021 3

Laguna • 3 years ago 

The Theme for this Kajam is “Remote Multiplayer”. This relaxed, month-long event will start on 2021-05-07 and last until 2021-06-04. There will be no ratings after the jam, but a dedicated gaming session on 2021-06-05.

Please find the keynote on YouTube and SoundCloud

What does “remote multiplayer” mean?

By definition multiplayer means that more than one person can play in the same game environment at the same time. Remote means that you can play together over some sort of network and that you don’t have to sit next to each other.

What might sound as a daunting endeavour, is the chance to start thinking about games you would normally not do on a GameJam. Most GameJam entries specialize on gameplay mechanics for one player or are dedicated couch multiplayer games.
However in the time of continuing lockdowns when you can not meet with your friends as you would normally do, multiplayer games are a great way to spend some time together.

This Kajam is all about multiplayer.
Let’s learn about the technical details of multiplayer games, like network protocols and client/server communication!
Let’s make a game that you would normally never try on any GameJam!
And most importantly: Let’s have some fun while creating and playing multiplayer games together!

What are the rules?

For this Kajam you can work solo or as a team.
You have four weeks to create and submit your entry, starting on Friday, 2021-05-07 and lasting until Saturday 2021-06-05.
Every Language, Framework or Engine is allowed.
You can use third party assets and are even allowed to add multiplayer functionality to an already finished game!

Detailed rules here

Now, start your engines and join this Kajam!

What is a Kajam?

Kajam competitions are month-long events in which people make a small video game focusing on a specific aspect of game development. They're a perfect opportunity to learn, experiment and level-up your gamedev skills!

This gaming session sounds great! How can I join?

Thank you! The gaming session will happen after the Kajam on Saturday 2021-06-05. We will meet online at the Alakajam! Discord server and have fun playing the games which were created during the jam and have a great time together.