
3D platformer in 2 dimensions!

In 23D, you view a 3D platformer from two 2D cameras, showing the XY (left/right and up/down) and ZY (forward/backward and up/down) planes. You'll need to view the world differently to solve the few puzzles in this demo.

Comments (4)

 • 4 years ago • 

Overall, it's a really great game, feels good, has great feedback, and looks awesome. The music is very chippy and retro to match the visuals

Controls: Seem okay, what I would actually love, is if the W/D controlled the left/right movement of the LEFT camera, and the </> arrow keys controlled the left/right movement of the RIGHT camera! That would make the controls very intuitive for me. Kind of like a twin-stick platformer.

The (third?) level was SUPER hard. I could not get to the top right platform easily, partly because I think my keyboard can only process so many inputs (I think it cant handle two arrow keys at once + space bar)

Overall I really like it! I like the mind-bending-ness of it, and if it had more intuitive controls, I think it would be a very good game! I understand everything pretty easily, though saying XY and ZY confused me a bit. It mores more sense to just say Left/Right and Forward/Backward planes.

Good job!

 • 4 years ago • 

Hi @89o

Looks interesting to play.
I notice you tagged "GameMaker". If this is the engine you used, could you provide a mac port as well? (I'm mac only…)

Cheers, Maarten

 • 4 years ago • 

Awesome Take on the classic jump and run mechanic!

While the first level(s) started quite easy, the later ones were real brain teasers and I enjoyed cracking them. It really trains your geometrical intuition. Perhaps a third (top down) view where you can not see the level, but the planes that are rendered, would be helpful for new players?

Jump and run mechanics feel responsive and controlled, job well done on that part.

The visual aspect is just great and it looks like early 3d graphics.

 • 4 years ago • 

It's an incredibly simple concept, but you've executed it extremely well. The graphics are great and sound is also great (I really like the music).

The controls are simple (wasd + space), although I often got confused between left and right in the ZY plane, and ended up going the wrong way. I mostly just used trial and error, but it was still an enjoyable game.

I would prefer it if you could change the up/down controls to another set of left/right, e.g. W and D to move in the XY plane, and J and L to move in the ZY plane. Other than that, it was a brilliant game and I'd like to see if you add anything else, such as more types of tiles, more levels etc.

Really well done!

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