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About this site

Founded in 2017, Alakajam! is a community gathering game development enthusiasts from all backgrounds. We host informal events that give you a chance to both make games and get people to play them:

  • Alakajam! competitions, taking place over a week-end, three times a year. Start/end times are suited to European timezones.
  • Kajam! month-long events, inviting people to learn and experiment around a specific topic.
  • And finally Tournaments where everyone can compete on the games we made!

Sounds exciting? Come join us! You can start by making an account in a few clicks, then check the home page or the Events to learn the date of the next jam. Feel free to introduce yourself with a blog post!

If you want to give a hand to our little community, check the contributing page.

Contact us

How Where
Twitter @AlakajamBang
Chat IRC or Discord
Email contact [[at]] alakajam [[dot]] com
Contact form Click here


The finances of Alakajam! are currently run by @wan. Donations from our members are what keeps the servers up! More info on contributing over here.


ALAKAJAM! is a non-profit registered in France on 11 August 2018, as an "association loi 1901" (RNA Number W691095617). Our constitution can be read here. As of January 2021, the non-profit is in a dormant state, and no longer has a board of directors.

You can read more about the creation of this non-profit here. If you're interested, you can stay in touch with the NPO's discussions by joining our mailing-list.