compete in duels in exotic locations.
Fight enemies in 8 different locations, buying upgrades and items from a shop between levels. This game didn't come out quite how we wanted it to, with a lot of rushing and botching being done in the final few hours. Still, at least we got it out. Feedback is appreciated, of course.
Graphics by Gamenco, who uh… doesn't have an account.
Hmm, I would like to know how this project was supposed to come out. The theme is the strong point here: it is a duel to the death, that's for sure. Everything else is rough, very rough indeed.
I won't slag on the visuals too much. There is variety, but the designs are uninspired and the pixel sizes and colors are all over the place. Everything else is rou…. You get the point.
The major issue is the combat itself. Defeating these goons is trivial, let me demonstrate:
I think the store and the inventory system were beyond the scope of the jam. Instead you should have concentrated on 1 vs 1 combat with a single weapon, a few movement options and some environmental hazards. A well made core combat system is replayable even without multiple weapons and countless unique locales. A poorly made core combat system is barely playable to begin with.
With short jam projects design and scheduling are kings. A simple polished project should be the starting point. Extra features can be added after the jam. if at all.
Good effort, bad result, you'll do better next time, yes?
Overall: Bad (3.0)
Graphics: Bad (3.0)
Gameplay: Terrible (2.0)
Originality: Bad (3.0)
Theme: Above Average (6.0)