Fight all aliens in a gravity-chaotic space with powerups !
Do you know The Little Prince?
It's the story of a touching character who jumps from planet to planet for… well, actually, I don't remember why.
Anyway, my game was supposed to be the same, except it kind of went off track…
• Press SPACE to jump !
• Use WASD / ZQSD / Arrow keys to move in the air (despite gravity…)
• Press A-D / Q-D / Left-Right to rotate counterclockwise-clockwise (when you're on a planet)
• Left Click to shoot !
• They are scattered everywhere in the cosmos ⭐
• Watch your health ❤️
• You may, sometimes, find extra lives 🤍
• The game can be described as a fast-paced gravity-based roguelike.
Some advices:
• It's Windows-64bit-only
• No controller support (a pity, the game would have been 10x funnier with a controller IMO but I don't have one)
• This game was made in 48 hours in Pygame 🐍
• Also i'm French, the english may not be always good.
• Enjoy 🙂
Someday someone will make a proper, full-on, game tribute for the Little Prince…
I liked that you can shoot bullets to get a little momentum boosts between plannets, things were a little too hectic, I got A/D confused a bunch, and it might've been nice to front-load an upgrade or two, but I enjoyed the chaos.
Sure, the code is at
The gravity is very simple actually:
its done by looking for the nearest planet and apply a force that is the same for every planet (they actually have identical mass regardless of their radius 🙃)
lookup for > Player.movement()
note: "tangent" movement means the part of movement that is controlled by the user
Great game! I tried to kill all the enemies, but I couldn't find the remaining 8… 😔 (maybe a minimap would help with that?)
I think it would've been nice if it was less zoomed on the player, because the game is relatively small vertically, meaning I would often get sniped from outside the screen.
The A/D keys were pretty confusing but I did get used to them, I honestly have no idea how I would make them less confusing, the way they work makes sense but the fast-paced nature leaves little time to think.
All in all, it was fun and felt clean and good to look at, the game even made me feel cool after managing to not get hit during some chaotic parts! Sooo, good job fellow frenchy!
Damn that fet pretty cool (but VERY confusing / disorienting). I could imagine a world were people start abusing the physics to fly all over the place like people ninja roping in Worms Armageddon or rocket jumping / bunny hoping in Quake :D
Overall the sounds get a little overwhelming / repetitive, but the graphics are solid :)
Very nice, graphics are impressive for pygame and I found the game loop quite fun. Enemy variety and upgrades are a nice touch. My main complaint I guess is that the game gets too easy once you start spamming projectiles since you can easily damage enemies on other planets where they can't get to you. The "level" is also somewhat uninteresting since each planet is functionally the same outside of differing sizes I guess. Overall though nice job.
Very impressive scale for a 48 hour game! The world was nice and the tooltips on the various objects on the planets were a nice touch.
The initial gameloop is very engaging and fun, but as others mentioned, it gets a bit easy later on and the game becomes a hunt for aliens. The lack of a minimap or any guides makes it incredibly time consuming to find every alien. Maybe instead of killing 400 aliens, you could just have to kill half of them before a final boss spawns (or just 200 could be the end). There also seems to be a bug where the upgrades go off the screen if you have too many of them. It would also be nice if there were upgrade descriptions if you hovered them with your mouse. I'm not really sure what the levitate upgrade did for example.
Great work!
I love this! The graphics are really impressive, and it was a lot of fun bouncing from planet to planet. One minor point, it seemed like I would get stuck in a jumping loop when I pressed space and was close to another planet; almost like I was holding the space bar down just long enough to register a second time before I pulled up? Having some sort of stickiness with the space bar I think would help, but overall I had a blast!