Escape the while loop

you are stuck in a while loop forever escape it by defeating all enemies

You are stuck in a while loop and you have to beat all the enemies to escape. The enemies are the three types of brackets - (), [], {}. They can shoot, explode and hit you with a sword. you can dash and by dashing thru the enemies you kill them. Also by dashing you dodge the waves and bullets. You only have one life so if you die you start over.

Since this game is entirely created in python's module pygame, i had to code most things myself and i didn't have enough time to fully finnish the game e.g. there is no way to beat the game so consider yourself a winner if you fall thru the last line and also try not to fall if you haven't killed all the enemies in the row first since there is no way of getting back up if you fall and you will have to die and restart.

The game is absolutely not the game i've had in mind at the beggining but i still think it turned out pretty good.

Instructions on how to run the game in the github README file.


Voting results


This game entered in the Solo competition (10 entries).

Comments (9)

 • 27 days ago • edited • 

I had to look into the source code to figure out the dash key. It's X. I think the key layout isn't great, it's not ergonomic to have to press SPACE and X for the main two action in the game. A few sound effects (you can make simple ones quickly with sfxr) would have made it a bit more impactfull.
The gameplay is very basic and not interesting: the sword and explosive guys never touched me, and the gunman can shoot while offscreen making them harder then necessary to dodge. Having a 16/9 aspect ratio might have helped.

 • 27 days ago • 

I didn't try the .exe, but since I'm on Linux I could just run it from source. Worked fine.

It's definitely a game. Too hard for me, but it allows for quick iteration so dying isn't too bad. I think I made it to floor 3 or so. There's a good variety of enemies, each requiring their own tactics to get past, which is nice. But the camera doesn't always make it easy to see what's coming.

Some sound effects (even if it's just generated beeps and boops) would have been quite nice, but you already knew that.

 • 25 days ago • 

Thanks mixer to have a look at the source code for us :D

So yeah my main gameplay issue was walking into the back of bullets and dying. The bullets are not that easy to spot, especially grey bullets on a grey background.

Otherwise it's a very good start for a game, keep at it :) (Also the main character was very cute)

 • 24 days ago • 

The game was very fun and challenging would love to see more games like this from the same creator!

Game has some bugs but overall it was an incredible experience!!

 • 24 days ago • 

Very nice game!!! Very fascinating idea!!!

 • 24 days ago • 

Game wasnt so bad. At first i thought " Wow what a trash game the game has no mechanics and good graphics " but then i looked at the code and Ohhhh boy i was wrong. The effort put from the creator i have never seen such hardwork the only guy i know that is determined to work this hard is SisoHardworkera but he isnt capable of making such a game!

Please the creators work is unapprieciated and underrated and deserves more views and players!!! Hope he beats the competition and wins the award!!!

 • 24 days ago • 

@Radki4a Were these three comments all meant for the same game?

 • 16 days ago • 

Nice game, i love the idea of escaping a while loop. Although you could've put some sound effects and a menu the game is pretty much cool. Also making this in pygame is harder than in a game engine like unity for example so i appreciate the effort.

 • 15 days ago • 

unable to run on my pc

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