The 20th Alakajam is coming! 0

laaph • 7 months ago on 20th Alakajam! 

Prepare your game engines! The 20th AKJ will take place on 13th-15th of September. The week before will be dedicated to theme voting! And before that, we will submit themes! Since we always seem hate the theme, don't forget to submit a theme you actually like!

Our dates will look like:

Dates Event Comments
1-5 September Theme submission We know you have some good themes hiding in you!
6-12 September Theme shortlist voting Choose the final theme among the best submissions!
13 September, 7pm UTC Alakajam! starts The jam itself! Make your games!
15 September, 7pm UTC Ranked jam ends Make sure to submit your game during the jam, you can still update your page after submissions are closed.
16 September Extra day for unranked division In case you want more time or don't want to constrain yourself to other rules!
17-31 September Game rating Play all the games and rate them! Leave comments telling what is good or not!
1 October Results reveal Hopefully your admins are sober enough to wrap up the event and post scores!

If you've participated in an Alakajam before, you should know what to expect! And if not, it is easy to follow along, and we will be putting more info before things happen!

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