Hexagon Snake

Snake on a hexagon grid

This is a new interpretation of the well known Snake mechanic. This time on a hexagonal grid. Featuring a great cyberpunk gamefeel with a full soundtrack, a challenging level system as well as the functionality to twitter you highscore.

Comments (1)

 • 5 years ago • 

A pretty good twist on the Snake game! Loved the aesthetic and the soundtrack as well, both yield a nice retro-futuristic feel. This plays really well, although the early game is too easy I think, as it takes a few minutes to start having a really interesting challenge. Once we're there it's great fun (having hexes instead of squares messes up the brain), but as soon as we die we have to go back to the easy part which is sad.

With some balancing this could become really great, and probably mobile friendly too (as the viewport format suggests).

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