A classic multiplayer shoot-em'-up with the task of shooting only once
In this game you must try to survive the longest using only one rocket shot. Online Multiplayer, so invite some friends to play if there is no one else online.
⌨️ Controls
[WASDQE] or Arrow Keys - Move (Q&E to strafe L&R)
[Spacebar] - Shoot
[H] - Show/Hide flight guide (i.e controls)
[X] - Suicide
🔄 Tilt - Move and change direction. The more you tilt the faster you go
👇 Tap - Shoot
Any feedback/suggestions greatly appreciated
Made in JS using a socket.io nodejs server (see this wonderful tutorial by Dan Shiffman if you want to get started) and p5.js for client side rendering (also checkout Dan's channel for everything p5). Sounds made using Bfxr. Art style a la the amazing Captain Forever.
The web window below is not the best place to play it, open it in a new tab for the full experience