1vs1 platformer
For 2 players only !
Be the first to finish the course to shoot before your opponent!
Made with Unity.
The platforming works fine, and I like the progress bar so that you can tell if you're behind.
It took me a bit to understand the minigame at the end, but I do like that it gives the second player a little extra chance to still win, being really behind doesn't neccesarily mean losing in the end if your better at the minigame.
I would call this preposterous revisionism of historical duels. What a sport!
It seems there is a little bit of randomness in the levels and characters, the former of which results in a tinge of unfairness, if my assessment is correct. The larger issue manifests itself in the form of character movement controls. They are quite floaty and sticky and janky all at the same time. Functional, of course, but taken that the race is all there is, the platforming controls ought to be more polished.
Lastly, my fervent adversary complained, upon multiple disasterous failures, that the clouds didn't reset immediately on respawn. I didn't notice any such shortcomings, but such is life.
Other than that, the visuals are adequate, and the music is top drawer! The QTE sound effects are too loud, though. Pretty good going there overall.
Overall: Above Average (6.0)
Graphics: Above Average (6.0)
Audio: Good (7.0)
Gameplay: Below Average (4.0)
Originality: Good (7.0)
Theme: Good (7.0)
This game is pretty fun. The 'soufflet' at the beginning is glorious and I enjoyed the voice acted sfx.
The gameplay is decent but not incredible. The split screen might have been better vertically because sometimes when jumping the short height of the game window can make it a bit confusing. The music is very nice.
Good work !
When I began the game I kind of expected some firefight but was suprised to see the funny twist of running away. The platforming is kind of dull and unchallenging, and the camera makes you losing sight of the platforms. Artstyle on characters are nice, but would be better with everything done that way. Good work overall!
Love the artwork!