Runestone Castle

Shooty magey action rpg

Press WASD/Arrow keys to move, mouse button to fire. Press F to change ammunition type. Every combination works and is a little bit different.
First jam ever so didn't time manage as much as I want to. Will probably keep working on this as time goes on because I think the base mechanics actually came out pretty cool.

Software used: Aesprite, GameMaker 8.1

current ver has lots of somewhat game breaking bugs, trying to track them all down now

Update as of 12:30 PM 2/24/19:
All gamebreaking bugs that I could find have been patched in the second file download listed on itch, 1.2. The 1.0 file is still available for download, so one can see the state of the game at the cutoff time. Hopefully this update is not out of line; the rules page states that one is allowed to patch bugs after the cutoff time, but feel free to ignore 1.2 if that is not the case.

Update as of 3:45PM 2/24/19: V1.2.1 fixes bug where player invulnerability frames aren't frozen when the game is paused, causing you to constantly take damage if you pause in contact with an enemy.

Voting results

This game entered in the Solo competition (37 entries).

Comments (1)

 • 6 years ago • 

Cool game! The graphics were pretty neat, and the animations were realitvely smooth. I found it helpful that the Instructions were in the Window title, but it also seemed weird at the same time. This was a puzzling game while at the same time acting as a shooter game as well, which I thought was a pretty neat combination. I don't understand how much this has to do with the theme unless the things I was shooting was supposed to be a spell, but with no context I couldn't tell if it was or not. This is pretty good for your First Game Jam, and I think you have something to be proud of with this game. Nice job!

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