Anomaly Street

I made this game solo, and I'm so .... tired ... I miss the ranked submition of my game ... So please don't hesitate to give me a tonne of feedback, I know this is not the best game ever but I want to make the best game ever BITCH !!!! ^^

all controles are with the mouse (left button , right button, and to hesite to use both in same time) ;)

Comments (3)

 • 5 years ago • 

Nice and simple, I like it.

I would have added a miss counter for all the ones you let drop and if miss 5 then restart for added challenge.
Perhaps a target for each side. like 20 need to go left and 30 right. perhaps difrent light colours to indicate.

Big thumbs up to ya!

  • 5 years ago • 

Yeah I understand, and it's what I wanted have to do but I was so tired ^^'.

And just I didn't want to give a clear objectives to the player to let him imagine what he have to do and creat is own objectives. If he want to try to push cubes only on the left I can.

Thanks for your answer !

Charlie Fries
(@Lethae) • 5 years ago • 

Great Idea I like the bounciness of the square ! I think it would have been a nice arcade game with more things like Rardo said, a miss counter, some obstacles and so on but it's just a matter of time. Still fun :)

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