Gravitate orbs towards yourself to grow in size, allowing you to absorb larger, higher-scoring orbs but also increasing your chance of collision. Upgrade different properties to score even more.
Cute idea, but of course not super finished. Some bits of feedback: as the player grows larger, the game spawns larger orbs as well, but they start visibly popping into existence, so the spawn point should always be at least one radius away from the screen edges; the rate at which the orbs are spawning also seems quite steep, since the screen quickly becomes swamped with huge orbs. I found it a bit strange to see that the small orbs were affected by my gravity at all only at some radius, and also that the other orbs phased through each other. However, I'm not sure if doing anything else wouldn't be total chaos :) I wonder if it would make sense to have the screen be a zoomed in bit of a larger map (like the aforementioned, which could make it possible to have a lot less density, more strategy (the player could see which large orbs are coming towards them), and more of a "goal" in mind.
Nice concept, just a shame there wasn't enough time to fully execute on it (different orb types seems like a neat idea). Despite the lack of content/polish it was still a reasonably fun game, are you planning on making a postjam version? I agree a lot with Aurel's feedback, I think a camera system would help the game a lot.
A nice start! Some suggestions for future iterations: Having a camera would be really helpful - especially as you get larger and the bigger orbs start spawning, it felt super tight on screen. It would be neat to see the larger objects having an impact on you, the player - I really liked how the bigger you got the more orbs got pulled in to you, but seeing the reverse would be nice.
Reminds me of but with gravity! Which sound pretty cool actually.
As you grow, the orbs spawned also grow in size, but the movement speed and field of view stays the same. I guess it does have the effect of limiting how big you can grow, but it also means at some point you are kind of at the mercy of RNG, which doesn't feel very nice.
Another point I have is that at first I was trying to use my mouse instead of WASD haha.
I can see the vision though! I think your unimplemented ideas would be a lot of fun too!