Joined 7 years ago
Hi! I'm Arnold, aka Gulyasarni66 or simply just Gulya. I'm a 15 year old programmer-wannabe from Hungary. I started game development when i was 7, but well… let's just say, it didn't go well. I needed to learn English as well, but since in my town there weren't any teachers, i had to do it on my own. Despite that, i think i succeeded in learning English. I started game development with Game Maker, then i switched to Game Maker Studio, and now i make my games with Java or Unity.
During the 8 years of programming, i started at least 200-300 games. Problem is: i don't finish them. If i don't have motivation, for example the time limit in a game jam, i just abandon them alltogether. That's why i'm searching for game jams like this, to have motivation, and to share my horrible games with everyone!