Feedback Fortnight coming soon! 0

laaph • 2 years ago on Feedback Fortnight 2022 

With the 15th Alakajam over, we move on to our next event, the Feedback Fortnight! Do you have something you want to show people? Did you not finish in time for alakajam but still want people to see? Do you have project that you've been working on for years? Do you just have some screenshots you want feedback on? If you want some feedback, this is your event!

How does it work? Post your project. Then, look at other projects, and evaluate them. Look at the descriptions and see if there is something in particular they want feedback on. Remember there is someone who is reading this, so don't just say mean things. Write up your constructive criticism, and we will share our ideas and thoughts to help each other make better games!

Feedback Fortnight 2022 starts soon so get your project ready to share with others! Chase that game breaking bug away, write up enough documentation so someone else will understand how to play package it up, it doesn't have to be perfect, just enough to show others! The event officially starts July 15, but we will open submissions soon! We can't wait to see your projects!

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