
You have been Summoned. I mean, Salmon'd -- both, actually.

Note: this is an online multiplayer game, best experienced with multiple players.

You had to give it all up just so you can start fresh. Swimtop City had an opportunity that was too good to pass up. After all, who could pass on those sweet, sweet hats.

It's time to accept your summons and take on the task of delivering items to and fro in this new place you call home. In this new turf, there's no shortage of new companions that you can turn into your allies. Come up to Salmbody and invite them to your crew. Earn those hard. cold, clams and get yourself all the hats!

So it's time to get your fins on that bike and summon your allies. Don't let the flow of traffic stop you from going against the current and taking shortcuts.

It's Salmoning time.


  • Phone - F
  • Movement --- WASD/arrows
  • Brake --- Spacebar
  • Dismiss Phone --- E
  • Team invitation --- T
  • Camera --- C
  • Emotes --- 1/2/3
  • Bell --- B
  • ??? --- R


  • Fixed a crash when certain gamepads are plugged in
  • Fixes to audio balance
  • Fixed a bug with teams
  • Fixed some bugs with cosmetics syncing

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