I asked for ascend but you let me down
Now you are going to regret it
I will make you suffer
Post your screenshot if you win (you wont)
That's it, everyone else gets farted on
MMO foddian farting simulator
- dude this burger was delicious im gona have second one
- dude you already had 10 "seconds" are you sure
- dude you right brb i need to poo real quick
Oh no the toilet is out of order
And you really need it very badly, you are already farting every 10 seconds
Looks like your only hope is that shiny one at the top
You are really trying to hold it so you cant even walk like a human. All you can do is roll
Use A/D or Left/Right to roll in desired direction
You are farting every 10 seconds. A fart forces you in the direction opposite of your back.
You can force a fart by pressing W/Up/Space. This does not stop or delay the autofart. You may only force another fart in 5 seconds. Your stomach growls when this ability recharges.
Will you be able to make the ascend to stop this every 10 seconds nonsense
Fart your way to the top as soon as possible