Infernup's Ablazummon

You play as Ablazummon, a hellish demon stuck in Infernup's famous ever-descending human-Summoning™ lava pit.
No hope of getting out of there… but while you're at it, you might as well sacrifice a few extra humans, until… the inevitable. 🔥😈🔥

Armed with your summonner's staff, dodge lava and manipulate the Summoning™ Pentacle to absorb humans, and you'll be able to re-summon them later: as platform to move around, or on sacrificial altars to gather score 🔥

Infernup's Ablazummon is a fun arcade-platformer, where you play and replay short games to chase the leaderboard. Heartbeat goes up, palms go sweaty : The game is exigent, it's expected that you'll die a lot, that's how you learn! Each game length is calibrated to last no more than a few minutes.



Move using WASD (rebindable!)

Orient the Summoning™ Pentacle using mouse cursor

Summon humans using mouse click

In menus: Space as "Ok", Esc as "Back" (rebindable!)

You can score points!

Summoning™ the humans you've fetch in your pentacle on an altar will give you points.

The more a specific altar has been used before, the more points you'll get! 🔥

You can double jump!

Well, no, not really.

However, Summoning™ the humans mid-air act as temporary platforms. You can even fetch them back in your portal once they start falling again! 🔥

You can build!

Summoning™ the humans you've fetched next to a platform will create new platforms.

Unlike humans summoned mid-air, platform ones can't be re-fetched later! 🔥

You can die in lava

No .gif needed for this one, you'll see!

About the game

Made in 48h for the 55th Ludum Dare gamejam, "compo" category.

Tool used : crappy ol' Clickteam Fusion 2.5+, Aseprite, BFXR, Bosca Ceoil, ShareX, & some more.

Very proud of how the game ended up. I hope you'll enjoy playing it as much as I enjoyed wasting time doing so instead of working on it during the 48h! 😁✨

Playthrough videos (beware, spoilers!)

358pts :

763pts :

POST-JAM changelog

  • UI mouse controls
  • Summoning™ range subtle highlight
  • Allow placing the Pentacle over the character
  • Hold mouse to auto-click altars
  • QoL platforming stuff (jump input buffering, edge deflection, ledge grab, coyote time)
  • Allow a-bit-higher jump for easier summon above altars
  • Less RNG human positions (~3x bag, so if a lot fall on the left you can expect more on the right soon)
  • Fixed glitching in generating platforms bug
  • 8 click/sec max limit on the altars
  • Balanced sounds volume (sliders still WIP)
  • Changed fullscreen fill color to black
  • and more 🔥 … (I forgot)

👉 TL;DR:

Hover to fetch human, click to summon, summon on altar to score 🔥


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