The Moose are attempting to swim across the Ångermanälven river in the North(ish) of Sweden to get to summer's greener pastures -- but there are big chunks of ice blocking the way! Help the meese cross the river safely!
For a few previous LDs I've used Craftyjs, but as it's not maintained and pretty buggy, I looked at some other frameworks and decided to try Excaliburjs! It's not as fast for quickly prototyping things, but it seems to be plenty powerful, although the documentation leaves a lot to be desired.
Created in about 13 hours total, almost half of which was making levels, because it turns out that making solvable levels without also making them way too easy is quite the challenge!
If you like moose and nature, you should tune in to Swedish Television's The Great Moose Migration every late April to early May, where the meese's migration to greener pastures are documented with >30 cameras in a 24/7 TV show on and 🫎