A simple game about conquering planets.
Interesting! I really like the idea, but there are some issues which make this a bit hard to play still. Most importantly it felt quite laggy, especially as the flotillas grew. The graphics almost worked, although I think the game switched to the very low-rez version of the ships too soon when zooming out. I think there should be some way the player is notified when important events happen: the construction of a new ship, the destruction of a ship, a battle going on, planet being captured, etc. Sound would be a great way to convey all of these, with e.g. some arrows as an additional visual aid.
Wow, ambitious idea and it turned out quite well! At first I thought the green ship was one of my new bonus ships, and only later realized that I was competing with other ship swarms :D Performance started to degrade after a few minutes as well, did you manage to add any optimization or is it all O(N^2) for the ships?