Avoid asteroids while you fight universal gravity!


You are an alien floating in space.
However, because of a certain universal law that affects all objects with mass, asteroids are coming at you!
You'll have to use your cursor as a gravity source to move yourself or divert the asteroids.


  • Right mouse to start game
  • Left mouse to make your cursor act as another gravity source


  • Player: 64Kg
  • Cursor: 128Kg
  • Small asteroid: 256Kg
  • Medium asteroid: 576Kg
  • Large asteroid: 1024Kg

Comments (4)

 • 5 days ago • 

You did a couple of things I wish I had enough time to do on my game! The sounds and music are pretty nice, as well as the animated background. At the start I thought it would be easy, but because the cursor doesn't have that high of a gravity it requires precise movement to keep dodging the obstacles.

 • 4 days ago • 

Very polished. Small art pallete for a small game. All assets blend well for a cohesive art style. 10/10.

Everything that is expected to make sound makes sounds. The bitcrush sound effects work well with the classic pixel art style. Music is also great. 10/10.

This is where I struggled to enjoy the game. The game overall feels more like a simulation than a game, as the only way you are able to control the character is with the small gravitational pull of the mouse. If the player gets remotely near a larger body, it's game over. I do love the physics you implemented to give every entity a gravitational pull, which makes the game more intuitive and realistic. However, from a gameplay standpoint, the reliance on gravitational physics gives the player less authority over player movement and overall what happens in the game. 4/10.

The gravitational physics you implemented are really nice, and I wish I spent more time making the gravity in my game more realistic like this, but I still have a ways to go before mastering Godot's physics engine. The physics really make this game feel original because not many games use realistic physics like this. 9/10.

Of course, the entire game is a physics simulation, more specifically a gravity physics simulation. 10/10.

Overall score

 • 4 days ago • 

The art and music were nice. I did find the gravity controls to be a bit finnicky though, as my mouse pointer had to stay very close to the player to have any effect. The physics were well implemented, but I found myself often using the gravity solely to control the player, as it is easier than pulling multiple asteroids away.

(@DevBrook) • 2 days ago • 

Fun little game. I like how it is physics-based and that it is mostly skilled based, while not being too difficult to pick up. It mostly requires small precise adjustments to move the player optimally. Although it wasn't immediately obvious, I enjoyed the fact that you could use the cursor to repel / lure away the asteroids. However, i'd say that there isn't enough variety in the gameplay. Being able to go slightly off-screen made the game feel fair and not too punishing. Music was great, it fits the vibe without being distracting. You could have added a sound effect for crashes. The minimalist art was clean and well-executed. Overall the game fits the theme very well.

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