
First Alakajam, Custom Engine - Day 1 1

FletcherLabs • 3 years ago on 10th Alakajam! 

Over the past week-ish, I've been working on my own game engine from scratch in C and OpenGL. I decided to tackle Alakajam as a way to push me to implement the basics for Friday, identify any issues, and figure out what I still need to add (which is a lot).

So far, all the engine can do is create a window with an OpenGL core context (3.3), and handle input. And only on Windows. This means I'll be writing a lot of raw OpenGL this weekend. I'm not sure if I'll finish in time, but I have a growing list of what to implement into the engine next.

While it may look like colours, these are simple textures (literally just coloured blocks) that I'm changing using the 0, 1, and 2 keys. It is meant to be square, but I haven't learnt about coordinate systems, yet. That's one of the plans for today.

  • Learn about transformations, and get the object moving based on player input
  • Learn about coordinate systems
  • Stretch: Get multiple objects spawning on screen

In SPLORR!! ... You can Map Space ... But is it Chaotic Yet? 0

TheGrumpyGameDev • 3 years ago on 10th Alakajam! entry  Chaotic Space Mappers of SPLORR!!

Got some early navigation stuff in last night before bed.

Yer a ship. You set yer heading and speed and move around space.

Space is filled with stars. Stars that need surveying.

To accomodate "chaos" I have wormholes, but not a completely clear way in which they will introduce the chaotic element. Likely by randomly teleporting you.!

I've got my publishing pipeline going, and an early snapshot of what it is on

Day 2 Begins 0

TimBeaudet • 3 years ago on 10th Alakajam! entry  Ball Guys: Ship It!

For the first day I was at work-work at the start of the Jam and after I got out I had 4 hours before bed. This Alakajam event is aimed at testing my physics engine in a real-world game situation. In the first few hours I hooked my level-editor up to work on the project and loaded a level into the world. Then I got the physics engine fired up and created volumes for the objects in the level.

I started working on camera/player movement, but really didn't get far and was not happy with the results, so first on today's list will be creating an orbital camera then figuring out the crazy maths to get the player moving in the right directions the way I envision.

Come watch me live on twitch! and say hello!

I'm trying to be in 1

M2tias • 3 years ago on 10th Alakajam! entry  Chaos Arena

I had a hard time coming up with an idea. I still think this might be too much to do and I've only been drawing some graphics.

Just reached the end of a 10 hour Long stream and I'm pretty happy with what I have so far. 0

AaronBacon • 3 years ago on 10th Alakajam! entry  Port Panic

Wasn't sure what I'd get done but I managed to not only turn a world map into a playable area, but also got every mechanic for my game done. I now have the rest of the Jam to add features, polish and playtest. (Hoping people can help me with the last one =))

For now I'm gonna get some sleep, but I'm happy with the game I've got so far and I'll definitely have more fun working on it.

Based on the theme, I'm out. 5

grahamweldon • 3 years ago on 10th Alakajam! 

No ideas. I'm out.

First mockups 1

Wan • 3 years ago on 10th Alakajam! entry  Gimbal Commando

We're going with space battles, and all three themes! Once again this is probably too ambitious for a team of 2, I guess we can't change our habits. Time to sleep now, have a nice jam everyone :)

Chaos? 2

MrAmericanMike • 3 years ago on 10th Alakajam! 

Just looking around at what's going on for this 10th Alakajam.
I'm confused as to why there are 3 themes, but then I can see on a banner that they "kinda" explain it.

I don't see the reason for the 3 themes, but I see that a theme is the legit winner, another is a random from the "Shortlist" and anotherone is choosen by a viewer (whatever that means, I assume, during some stream?)

But the shortlist has 20 themes and none is "Chaos" so how did Chaos end on the final 3 themes?

ChaoticSpaceMappers of SPLORR!! 0

TheGrumpyGameDev • 3 years ago on 10th Alakajam! entry  Chaotic Space Mappers of SPLORR!!

Ok. I'm in. I have a lot of adulting to do this weekend, but I'll have something up there.

It will be a console .net app written in F#.

Once more unto the breach! 0

Kerri • 3 years ago on 10th Alakajam! 

I'm here once again to try and make something. I'm enjoying the theme suggestions this time around, and I was surprised when my suggestion of paths made it to #2 in the peoples choice! But as I always do, I come into these jams with zero ideas intentionally and I'm looking forward to seeing how I can interpret this chaotic intervention.

I'll likely be focussing on the Maps theme for now, but I'll be joined by a few friends who've never done this kind of thing before. Going to be a relaxed approach for sure. We'll be using Godot 3.2.3 as our primary tool, Wings3D if we need 3D stuff, Pyxel Edit for artsy stuff, Krita maybe we'll see. No idea about sound effects yet but I'm excited to get started.

Good luck everybody!