:( 6

sorceress • 6 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! 

i should just accept that i can't make games anymore

Comments (6)

 • 6 years ago • 

That's not what this page says!

 • 6 years ago • 

Did you lose both of your hands, and your brain? :(

 • 6 years ago • 

looking at that list of one hour game jam contributions, i'd say it seems unlikely. Maybe you just need a different approach to break out of a rut.

 • 6 years ago • 

Take it easy. You have done some amazing games (and in a ridiculous short time too), so just relax a little bit. Jamming should be fun and make you happy. :)
For me often a walk in the park and some fresh air, as well as side activities like going to the cinema, a party or a concert is a very nice distraction to have. 👍

 • 6 years ago • 

The only way to make sure you're not making anything anymore is to pressure yourself until you feel empty. I've been there, don't fall into that trap. If you feel like making a game, do, but if you don't feel like it, that has to be okay too.

 • 6 years ago • 

I'm not in the full loop, but if you could be in a swing- most jams have a wild negative swing for me where I feel like giving up. In LD30 it was so intense that I did give up. Life went on. I believe you recently said something like "the point is to find happiness" so combine that with udo's suggestion, and it is okay not to make a game if you don't feel like making one right now!

Enjoy a break or good luck pushing on. Do happy.

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