
View API documentation

  "id": 13,
  "name": "voxel",
  "title": "voxel",
  "avatar": "/data/uploads/user/13.png",
  "is_mod": null,
  "is_admin": null,
  "latest_entry": {
    "id": 1505,
    "event_id": 57,
    "event_name": "15th-kajam",
    "name": "paper-precinct",
    "title": "PAPER PRECINCT",
    "description": "Scribbly point and click",
    "links": [
        "label": "Windows 3.11",
        "url": "https://voxel.itch.io/windows-31-paper-precinct"
    "pictures": {
      "previews": [
      "thumbnail": "/data/uploads/entry/1505-thumb.png",
      "icon": "/data/uploads/entry/1505-icon.png"
    "comment_count": 0,
    "karma": "100.000",
    "division": "ranked",
    "url": "https://alakajam.com/15th-kajam/1505/paper-precinct/",
    "body": "A bit troublesome to run properly, please check the information on the itch page\r\n\r\nI've used the following limitations:\r\n*     Esoteric: Game works on $obscure_platform. (Windows 3.11)\r\n*     Illustrator: Draw all your art by hand. (Pencil, pen, then scanned)\r\n*     Window dressing: Game windows are part of the gameplay. (Made *in* windows 3.11, but also uses a bunch of annoying windows for gameplay)",
    "optouts": [],
    "rating_count": 0,
    "comments": [],
    "users": [
        "id": 13,
        "name": "voxel",
        "title": "voxel",
        "avatar": "/data/uploads/user/13.png",
        "is_mod": null,
        "is_admin": null